What Facebook Ad Objective do I choose?

What Facebook Ad Objective do I choose?

I often get the question, “What ad objective should I choose when I run my Facebook ads?”  Or I hear ‘What does ‘ad objective’ even mean?”  Facebook doesn’t make it crystal clear either so let me explain.

Laura Ball - Facebook Ad Strategist

Hi, I'm Laura

I work with 6-7-figure course creators, coaches, and creatives who use the power of paid traffic to increase their impact (and yes, make some money). Mostly, I specialize in live launches, but I also work with clients around brand awareness, lead generation, and evergreen funnels. Learn more »

Page Engagement for Retargeting

Page Engagement for Retargeting

Facebook is really starting to focus more on engagement these days, and they’ve recently added a new feature to their custom audiences for retargeting ads.  You can now target ads to people who have taken action on your business page. 

Laura Ball - Facebook Ad Strategist

Hi, I'm Laura

I work with 6-7-figure course creators, coaches, and creatives who use the power of paid traffic to increase their impact (and yes, make some money). Mostly, I specialize in live launches, but I also work with clients around brand awareness, lead generation, and evergreen funnels. Learn more »

Inside Power Editor - Ad Placements

Inside Power Editor - Ad Placements

You want your ad to run everywhere --- newsfeed, right hand column, mobile, desktop, Instagram, audience network. The more places the better, right? 


Before I start running Facebook ads for clients I do a short review of their current campaigns and one of the things that ALWAYS pops out is where they are running their ads. It’s the section in the Ad Set Level called “Placements”. Facebook defaults this placement to “Automatic placements” meaning that they will automatically run your Facebook ad in the following places:

Laura Ball - Facebook Ad Strategist

Hi, I'm Laura

I work with 6-7-figure course creators, coaches, and creatives who use the power of paid traffic to increase their impact (and yes, make some money). Mostly, I specialize in live launches, but I also work with clients around brand awareness, lead generation, and evergreen funnels. Learn more »