Page Post Engagement with a Twist — Laura Ball

Page Post Engagement with a Twist

So, you might have seen it. I posted something really juicy to my Facebook business page and ran it as a Page Post Engagement Ad. I’ve been experimenting with this ad objective a bit and wanted to see what kind of results I could get.  My main goal was to get more engagement on the ad, but what I got was SO much more.

Now, this was no ordinary post. There were 3 things I did that made it a bit different from your traditional newsfeed post.

1. Image Size: This was a BIG ASS AD. #BAA for short. 😉 I created this image in Canva (I heart Canva) and created a custom dimension of 1200 X 1650. (A normal page post is 940 X 788, so this was way bigger.) On mobile, it takes up the entire newsfeed which is just visually delicious! Remember, we want our ads to be SCROLL STOPPING and this sure as heck will stop anyone.

Free Facebook Ad Starter Kit Image.png


2. Link to Freebie: I sprinkled the link to my free download, The Facebook Ad Starter Kit, throughout the ad copy. I use a link ( to shorten my Leadpage's link. Again, the goal was to get some engagement on the ad, not opt ins, but I wanted to see if it would convert.

3. I also shared this post from my business page into my free Facebook group.

Why you ask? Why didn’t I just post this right to the group?

Well, because Facebook doesn’t track the people who engage with posts inside of groups, but it DOES track the people who engage with ads. So, if I shared the AD into the group and people in the group started to engage with it, those people would be captured into the custom audience I was creating in the background. Brilliant, right?

So, I ran this ad for 4 days and spent $38.

Here were my results:

  • Page Post Engagement: 91

  • Link Clicks: 40

  • Shares: 9

  • Page Likes: 25

  • Opt ins: 27

  • Cost per opt-in $1.40 (Remember, anything under $8 per lead is within normal range and generally you can expect to spend about $2 per opt-in.)


So, I built up a warm audience of people who’ve engaged with my ad (both from a cold audience and my Facebook group members). I can retarget them later with another ad for my webinar registration signup for my course launch. I also got some page likes AND I grew my email list….cheaply!

Pretty neat right?  Now, I didn’t run this very long, but I suspect this would continue to do well. I was in “testing mode” and wanted to spend some money on another ad types to test, but I definitely suggest you add this to your bag of tricks and let me know your results!


PS: Haven’t ‘Liked’ my business page? Hop over and give me a like! I promise to always keep you in the know on all things Facebook!



Laura Ball - Facebook Ad Strategist

Hi, I'm Laura

I work with 6-7-figure course creators, coaches, and creatives who use the power of paid traffic to increase their impact (and yes, make some money). Mostly, I specialize in live launches, but I also work with clients around brand awareness, lead generation, and evergreen funnels. Learn more »